
Hey there! 👋 My name is Michal and I’m an Frontend developer.

You might be interested in checking the list of my skills. Don’t forget to have a glimpse at my projects. Currently I’m looking for a new challenges so if you have one - contact me 😊


My skills

Working knowledge

  • React JS
  • Typescript
  • JavaScript ES6+ features
  • Semantic HTML5
  • Flexbox
  • Markdown
  • JS: Local storage
  • Figma
  • CSS grid
  • Forms
  • JS: DOM manipulations
  • SASS
  • Git
  • Working with API

Know something about

  • NPM Scripts
  • Jest tests
  • Progressive web apps
  • Accessibility
  • Node.JS

Want to learn

  • Electron
  • Server side rendering
  • Gatsby
  • Websockets
  • React Native

Recent projects

I started my frontend developer path in 2019. Since then, I’ve built some projects. Here’s the list of the things I’ve done so far.